About Us
Join the Morlan Team

1. Local, family owned and operated since 1927: We are a company run by third and fourth generation family members. Our CEO has done nearly every job at the company, from installing water heaters, to working on the sales floor. The family is engaged, energized, and accessible to all employees.
2. Excitement and urgency: Everyday is different at GMP. From urgency on the sales floor, to unique events and activities, there is always something exciting to keep each day interesting.
3. Opportunities for career growth: At GMP, there is no limit to career growth. We encourage every employee to stretch, learn, and grow to his or her fullest potential. Your success is in your hands.
4. Recognition and compensation: We recognize those who work hard and value strong performance. Our compensation policy is performance based, and is unrestricted.
5. Perks: At GMP, we like to work hard and play hard. As compensation for hard work, we often reward our employees with remarkable and unforgettable perks. Here is a list, just to name a few: spiff programs, concert tickets, sports tickets, corporate travel and factory tours, “Work Week in Paradise” vacation program, and more!
We offer competitive wages, plus vacation, medical and 401K packages to full-time employees. George Morlan Plumbing is an equal-opportunity employer.